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“To live in a peaceful home is to experience paradise on earth.”

Shri Radhe Maa

Home & office organising, decluttering,

storage, styling & lifestyle solutions


Make room for more important matters and experiences

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Facilitate your daily life and make managing your home a breeze rather than a struggle

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Optimise your storage space

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Metamorphose your space into a radiant and uplifting setting

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Lighten your move & settle in smoothly

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Make your goals happen! I'll guide & support you along the way

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Do you wish your home was an oasis of joy and wellbeing?

Are you dreaming of a restful and serene home environment?

You have come to the right place!

I can help you achieve those goals. My experience, expertise and professional services are designed to help you:

  • Get rid of clutter and chaos
  • Simplify and organise your space
  • Find optimal storage solutions
  • Create a peaceful space for daily achievement, tranquillity and joy

Contact me and let's start this metamorphosis today!

Contact me and let's start this metamorphosis today!

My collaboration with IKEA

I regularly do in-store (Greenwich & Wembley) workshops about decluttering, home organisation & storage solution ideas. I also offer monthly free 30 min personalised consultations with IKEA customers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, I’m affiliated to  apdo-uk (Association of Professional Declutterers and Organisers) and to FFPO (Fédération Francophone des Professionnels de l’Organisation). Being part of a professional organisation allows me to stay in touch with fellow Professional Organisers and take part in national conventions, business workshops and training sessions. It also gives you peace of mind that I take my responsibilities seriously and abide by apdo-uk’s code of conduct / FFPO’s code of conduct and expectations.

I am based in North West London and cover all of London and its surroundings for on-site projects. I’m happy to travel by public transports or drive in and around London. Travel time of up to 1 hour (round trip) is free of charge. For longer trips, I’ll need to make a charge for time spent commuting and petrol. Parking fees may also apply depending on the different options for parking available in your area.

For big projects (moving, sorting, organisation of a whole house…), I can also travel to the UK, France, Belgium… In 2020, I helped clients to move to Milan.

Alternatively, I also offer virtual coaching sessions on decluttering / home & lifestyle organisation via video. If you want to know more about this service please check my Virtual coaching page to see if this format would suit you.

I am here to help you without making any judgement. I have been in business for some years and have worked in various chaotic environments, so please do not be anxious. And even my own home is not perfect at all times. My service is totally confidential. Occasionally, I may ask if I can take ‘before and after’ photos, but will ask for your consent before using them in marketing material. 

1/ The initial consultation

Usually, I will come to your home for an initial one-hour consultation. During this consultation, I will listen to you so I can better understand what you would like to achieve at the end of the process.

I usually do a tour of the rooms you would like to declutter and/or re-organise, in order to assess the work to be done as each project is unique. During this consultation, I will also explain in detail how the decluttering sessions work.


2/ The decluttering / organisation sessions

Below is a brief description of the process. For more details, please check my services page:

I will come to your place and assist you throughout the entire decluttering / organising process.

The key to success is to work from area to area. The first thing to do is to sort out everything you have in each zone you want to tackle: we will completely empty the area and you will have to make a decision on each item (to keep, to donate, to sell, to throw away). If necessary, I can help you decide by asking you some questions regarding the usage of this item or your emotional attachment to it. And of course if you are hesitating on an item there’s no obligation to make a decision on the day. A few items can be stored away for some time and re-evaluated later. 

After the sorting, we will assess what kind of storage solution you could benefit from that would organise your things neatly and in a way it would be easy for you or anyone else to retrieve what you were looking for. I’m a big fan of IKEA’s storage solution: their clear boxes (SAMLA) make an ideal home for things otherwise hidden in a wardrobe, cupboard or stored in the garages or lofts…and they are really cheap!

I will help you at each step of the way: emptying each area, piling up your stuff, putting your things in different boxes or rubbish bags…

For a hassle-free end to the session, I also offer to take your unwanted stuff with me. I can dispose of your unwanted items at a recycling center or a local charity shop.

Re-using unwanted belongings is a really important aspect of my job. Giving your unwanted goods to a charity shop means someone can buy them for a modest price, it brings an income to the charity, and last but not least…it gives you more room in your own space. Brilliant! I will hapilly help you with that step too if easier for you.

Working with a Professional Organiser helps you to remain focused on the decluttering task. As a professional I’m happy to share my experience and my tips with you to make sure your new way of living and storing your belongings continues to work over time.

It is really up to you. The most common areas I work on are kitchens, bedrooms, hallways, kids’ rooms, garages or lofts. I am also happy to work on the whole house. Sometimes, I start working on one room and the client is so pleased and amazed with the achieved result that we make another appointment to tackle other spaces too.

It depends on the number of rooms you would like to work on and your available time. It is almost impossible to estimate how long a project will take at the beginning of the process, but I’ll be able to tell you more accurately once a few hours have been spent on the project.

Again, it depends on your goals and your schedule. I usually do sessions of three or four hours. It could be less or it could be more. Decluttering can be emotionally and physically tiring so it can sometimes be difficult to work for the whole day. But each client is different so we will decide together what works best for you.

I usually work hand in hand with clients as you’re the only person to decide what to do with each item. Setting up an organisation system with you will help you keep the system going after the decluttering work is done.

As it is almost impossible to estimate the necessary number of hours upfront, I invoice each project on an hourly basis. Here are the fees charged by IDea for your space:

  • Initial consultation (on-site): £55/£75 (depending of the project) 
  • Hourly fees for on-site decluttering, re-organisation: £60 per hour. Evenings (after 6pm), weekends and Bank Holidays hours are charged at an additional £15 per hour above the standard rate.
  • Hourly fees for virtual decluttering, re-organisation: £60 per hour. Evenings (after 6pm), weekends and Bank Holidays hours are charged at an additional £15 per hour above the standard rate.
  • Hourly fees for searching interior design, storage solutions, organising solutions: £60 per hour. 
  • Fees for buying storage solutions or any other item for you: £35 per hour; the items bought for you will be invoiced at the buying cost (shop receipts provided).
  • Fees for removing your unwanted belongings out of your home: 1 free drop of per project.

I am happy to cap the number of hours I work for you beforehand, so we ensure I stick to your budget. 

Some of my projects

Paper sorting

I don't think anyone likes to sort their papers. But when the stacks pile up and the stress increases as you can't locate an important document… It's time to act! Sorting, categorising, filing, labelling = finding.

Paper sorting
Paper sorting
Kitchen organisation

In a messy kitchen = you don't know what you have, you buy again just in case, you throw away expired food, you waste time… What if we set up a restaurant-style kitchen? Grouping, categorising, labelling = efficient food prepping.

Kitchen organisation
Kitchen organisation
Storage optimisation

One thing I love is optimising any nook, dead space or wasted vertical area, and turning it into extra storage capacity. Short on space? Let's think about where to find more. Visualising, measuring, analysing = optimising.

Storage optimisation
Storage optimisation

What my clients say

I have no hesitation in recommending Isabelle for all your decluttering jobs (…) She offers practical, sensible guidance and encouragement and fully understands the emotional attachments people have with their possessions.

By Linzi, North London

By Linzi, North London

Our work together focused on a MAJOR re-organisation of my kitchen (…) Isabelle quickly assessed the situation, made a plan and worked so efficiently that in a few hours I found myself with the most organised kitchen ever!

By Jane, W2 London

By Jane, W2 London

Isabelle managed the complex project of unpacking my oversees move and simultaneously organizing the entire lot from stacked boxes into a beautifully organized and unpacked new home. She is an absolute expert in all things IKEA and sourced and installed the best storage solutions and accessories for me.

By Sara, W2 London

 By Sara, W2 London

Isabelle is a 1st class professional who immediately understood our storage problems, and then proposed immediately beneficial solutions, ones that I could never have noticed without her keen eye for detail.

By Maddie, NW11 London

By Maddie, NW11 London